Changes in behavior following damage to the frontal areas of the brain or following interference with the connections of those areas.
There is a general diminution of:
1. self-control
2. foresight
3. creativity
4. spontaneity
which may be manifest as:
1. increased irritability
2. selfishness
3. restlessness
4. lack of concern for others
Conscientiousness and powers of concentration are often diminished, but measurable deterioration of intellect or memory is not necessarily present.
The overall picture is often one of:
1. emotional dullness
2. lack of drive
3. slowness
but particularly in persons previously with energetic, restless, or aggressive characteristics, there may be a change towards:
1. impulsiveness
2. boastfulness
3. temper outbursts
4. silly, fatuous humor
5. the development of unrealistic ambitions
the direction of change usually depends upon the previous personality.
A considerable degree of recovery is possible and may continue over the course of several years.